Map of Gandahar

Welcome to Gandahar. This area is based on the movie Light Years. It's a good movie so watch it. The area was coded by Nano Titan 029A. There is something for everyone here. Rural Grasslands (10-25) Lake Jasper (10-25) Desert (10-25) Foothills (25-45) Forest (30-45) Deformed Caverns (30-50) Mountains (30-50) Base of Metal Men (65-90) Ocean (60-75) City of Jasper (45-90) City of Metal Men (70-90) Caverns of <--(Evil) the Deformed (Good)--> | | Deep-Ocean---Beach-----Desert Region --Mountain Region Ocean | | | Base--Beach--Forest Rural | City of Of Region----Grasslands----Foothills--- of Metal Men \ Jasper | \ | -Lake Jasper City of the Metal Men