Hermione Vasilopoulos

Hermione Vasilopoulos

Hermione is a Greek girl, a goth, and best friends with Ember Weston. Her father, Michaelis, afforded her a liberal upbringing, and as such she was able to explore and cultivate those areas that interested her the most. Her great love has always been for music, and being a teenager in the 80's pretty much made Ione (as she is often called) into a goth.

Her parents always encouraged her as a child and this formed a keen sense of curiosity in her. It wasn't enough to listen to the music; she had to make it hers. Secretly, she has always wanted to be a musician herself, but lacks the courage to take such a difficult route. Instead she has become a skilled DJ and works the goth room of the Angel's Tear. To supplement this income, she also works in the clothing shop, Heretic, where she first met Ember. Being Greek, she has a sophisticated sense of style and her opinion on fashion is highly valued by the goth community.

The picture of Ione was originally made using Tasha's Wraith KISS file and touched up using Paint. Since the KISS file is public domain, I may as well let you download a copy from my own site. For viewing KISS files, I recommend PlayFKiSS. Tasha is a very accomplished KISS artist and her files are well worth looking at. Check out her webpages for both her original content and her goth linkage. Tasha rocks big fucking style.
