The Moirae

Moerae, Parcae [Roman]

The Moirae (fates) were three in number: Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. The children of Zeus and Themis, they are sometimes represented as aged hags, or as lame women, but are more usually seen as grave maidens of great power. One tradition tells of how the Moirae are descended from Erebus and Nyx; the fact that they would not then be descendants of the Titans explains why they have power over even Zeus himself.

Clotho, the spinning fate, is normally seen with a spindle, as she draws out the thread of life for everyone. Lachesis, the one who assigns man to his fate, chooses the length of each man's life and the means of their demise, which is why she is often seen holding a staff pointing to a globe. Atropos then, the fate that cannot be avoided, is left to cut the thread off when each man's life is over. She is often found holding a cutting instrument, a pair of scales, or a sun dial.

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