competition details

In the past, people have undergone the challenge of visiting every page on my website. That may sound a bit sad and obsessive, but people are like that. The real reason they did it, though, was that it was a challenge. At the time I had about one hundred active pages. Now, much more. To find them, though, all you had to to was to follow every single link on every single page, and you'd eventually find them all. Maybe. I figured that for all of those lovely people out there that actually enjoy my site as it should be enjoyed, I'd shift the challenge up a notch - now you have to visit all of the pages that you can't link to. So I'm a bastard. So what.

The competition involves, at its roughest, typing in lots of filenames and hoping that they'll work, I guess. Now that's sad and obsessive. But don't think that I'm ridiculing anyone who does this, because then I'd be a steaming great hypocrite, wouldn't I? Me, who's put all of this work into writing pages that people will never visit. Sad. Obsessive. Yes. Well to prove that I'm not alone, the competition. What you're playing for is revealed only after you've begun to compete. How to play is revealed only after you've begun to compete. Who else is playing is revealed only after you've begun to compete. Oh, the joy.

This insanity sponsored by Stelonex Enterprises.
Minimum 21 DEV this page alone.
